Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Week of School

Haven't written in a while and that's because first week of school is crazy! I am finding that I don't have nearly enough time in the day to accomplish what I want. The students are great and I think it will be a  great year once I have them "trained"! Since I did my student teaching half way through a school year, the students were already perfect on their routines and procedures. Well newsflash to me on the first day of school,it is NOT easy getting them there! I spent pretty much the whole time teaching them things I always thought of as "basics" and telling students they couldn't go to the restroom every 5 minutes. Oh and worst teacher ever over here forgot to take my class to recess on the very first day of school. Really, who does that? Apparently me...Anyway after that rough first day finishing my business degree was looking more and more appealing. But I work with some good people who told me it will get better and they were right. Each day of teaching I learn so much. Since it is all still getting into a routine there is no new or exciting projects to post just yet but there will be coming soon! Oh and any tips on classroom management for a first year teacher is welcome!